Sophie gets nominated for the liebster award 2017


As we know, success in the online world is all about reputation. So, obviously super flattered and honored to be nominated for The Liebster Award which is all about discovering the best new blogs. 

Firstly, thank you to the founder of for nominating me - you rule! Secondly, read on for my answers to her questions and my nominations. Thank you please. 

  • Why did you start blogging? I work mostly within fashion, music, beauty, social media and SEO - blogging is a must-must

What is your goal as a blogger? To share my social media expert tips while networking and having a lot of fun along the way...
Is blogging your hobby or a job? Both. It's a necessity for my line of business and the brands that I work with in terms of SEO and brand awareness. I've been lucky enough to write for some of the biggest brands in the world, but also, it's just kind of a super fun hobby that happens to be a passion of mine that allows me to share everything I've learned along the way to help others too. 
How do you promote your blog? Thankfully, I've built enough recognition in the field to drive a lot of traffic organically via engaged followers across my social media pages. 
Do you make money off your blog? If yes how do you do it? No. I'm a certified/published journalist, editor, columnist and social media expert. Anything I share via my blog or social media are products, venues or services I've experienced (or been invited to try) and genuinely love. I do get social media marketing customers via my blog though, so that's a yes and no answer...
Have you ever won other blog awards? I've never entered. The majority of my week is spent managing campaigns for clients or making the most of the little time I get with family/friends, so my own stuff (like a plumber whose own plumbing is always rubbish...) formerly took a back seat. 
What is your advice for new and upcoming bloggers? Find your niche - find something you're passionate about, make it unique and own it. 

FYI I write this as I'm under mandatory evacuation order in Miami, nervously awaiting Hurricane Irma who is rumored to obliterate us and the city we know and love. What can I say? I like to be productive, and being so keeps me out of mischief (mostly...) 

My nominees: 

1. Danny Brown - cool dude

2. Jenn Herman - perfect for social media beginners

3. The Fashion Poet - flawless fashion blog

4. Social Media Examiner - The how-to for all social media enthusiasts

5. Antonia Burrell - my favorite beauty handbook

6. Josh Steimle - favorite Forbes blogger and personality

7. Priya Chandel - be prepared for serious travel and life envy

8. Forma Studios - I'm just obsessed with signature custom concrete designs - #housegoals

9. Vero Yoga NYC - because I need more yoga and relaxation in my life

10. Dustin Constantino - this branding agency is going places... 

My questions for you, nominees:

1. What's the most important lesson you learned along the way about blogging the hard way, and why?

2. What's the weirdest thing about you that you've never told anyone? 

3. IF you could start your life all over again, what would be your No.1 game plan for launching a killer blog? 

4. Where are you right now? And what are you doing as you write this? Be honest (within reason - keep it PG)

5. If you could write about one thing all day/every day for the rest of your life, what would it be - and why?